VLC Media Player - Version for different Linux distributions - Plays numerous video and audio formats
We will show you here how you can easily perform the installation. Use of command line is necessary to some extent, but in some cases just a click is enough to start the installation.
Click on the corresponding Linux version:
tar.xz - Package for download
Linux Mint
Execute the following commands: su - rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm yum install vlc
Debian GNU/Linux
Execute the following commands in the console:
sudo apt-get -t squeeze-backports install vlc
Name: VLC Media Player
Language Multilingual
Version: 3.0.21
Download size: 24,4
License: GPL and LGPL
Architecture: 32 & 64 Bit
Price: free
Homepage: en.vlc.de
Manual : The VLC-Manual (German)
Support: VLC Board
Other: additional Information
Webmaster: Banner / other ads